Sunday, May 15, 2011

Education for All Project...Putting it ALL together!

The United Nations have hopes that by the year 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling.  This is one of many “Millennium Development Goals” that have been accepted by all countries in the UN. 
You have been appointed by the UN to determine whether the country of ____________ is making any strides towards this MDG.  You will therefore need to do extensive research on the Education system in ___________.   You will need to discuss your findings in front of the United Nations Security Council on __________. Your official presentation to the United Nations Security Council will include a detailed analysis on the Standard of Living in your country in order to determine what needs to be done to ensure that all children in your country have access to an Education.

Report Requirements:
Location/Environment Facts:               
1.   You will need to present a map outlining the major cities and water sources in your country.
2.   You will need to include a brief written description of your country’s location.   

Reflection:  Why is the information important when creating a plan for development?

Human Ingenuity Facts:
1.    What are some major contributions that people in your country have made to their society or to the world?  It may be an invention or an Art form.  It may be from modern times or from the past.

Reflection:  Why is the information important when creating a plan for development?

Population Facts:
1.   What is the total population?
2.   What is the age structure of the people that live in your country?
3.   What is the population of each gender in your country?

Reflection:  Why is the information important when creating a plan for development?

Economic Facts:
1.    How many people are living below the poverty line?
2.   What is the GDP per capita?
3.   What are the major industries in your country?
4.   Did you find any evidence of Child Labour or sweatshops?
5.   What information did you find from the World Bank activity?

Reflection:  Why is the information important when creating a plan for development?

Health and Social Facts:
1.   What is the life expectancy for your country?
2.   What is the literacy rate for the country, males and females?
3.   What is the expenditure on education?
4.   What is the school expectancy?

Reflection:  Why is the information important when creating a plan for development?

Analysis of Facts:
Using the information you have gathered, write a report on the overall standard of living in your country and how it impacts education. You should include: 
1.    Your bitstrip showcasing one major problem in your country
2.    Information on the major problems that exist in your country and how they affect the rights of all children to attend school.

Solution (Plan for Development)
After gathering all of your information and determining what the barriers to education are in your country.  Present to the UN exactly what needs to be done so that ALL children can attend school.  Please include at least 5 suggestions.  Some should begin with:  “START….” And some should begin with “STOP……”

Your solutions should appeal to:
1.    Average global citizens of the world (What can they do?)
2.   Citizens of your country (What can they do?)
3.   Leaders in your country and in the UN (What can they do?)

Presentation of Ideas:  You have creative license to create a presentation that is informative AND persuasive.  You must have a VISUAL component to your presentation and an ORAL component to your presentation.

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