Wednesday, April 20, 2011

7C Letters to Japan

Please post your letters here after carefully editing you work and following the expectations for writing.

Dear 7C,
Thank you for writing such kind words to the students in Japan!  We are still missing letters from:  Constantin, Aleezah, Adam, Alex, Maddie and Michael.  There was one letter from Tanzania?  I am not sure who that is!  See you tomorrow!


  1. dear japanese kid

    so was this very trouble some for uyou and your family? how is it there? i hope thet your family is save and that no one got ingured. i feel really bad about what happened to japan so my mom and i donated some money. i hope that the money helps.

    from clayton

  2. Dear, Japenesse Student

    How are you. I hope you are feeling well.
    I feel so sorry about what had haapened to Japan. I hope your family has been saved. I have donated some to japan. I hope Japan gets rebuild soon. Maybe it will look better then last time.
    Well take care bye!!!!

    From Faraz

  3. Dear Japanese Student,

    I wish you a good recovery. I hope no one in your family has been injured or has been passed away. If you do recieve my letter, I heard about the Tsunami in japan and the Nuclear meltdown, I wish this would be remedied soon

    Jimmy Zhou

  4. Dear whomever this may concern,
    Life must be very hard right now but when there is no hope left always remeber that people are out there fighting for you and you have to stay happy :) We are giving you guys basic supplies and blankets all this will be over soon and it will all seem like a bad dream good luck :)

  5. Dear Japanese student,
    I know this must be an extremely difficult time for you, and although I can't relate to the pain you're in, I give you the most sympathy I can muster. Even though it may seem like there is no hope left, and all is lost, you must keep going, things WILL get better. Did you know that lots of recording artists such as Justin Bieber and many more have dedicated an album full of songs to Japan? This means that any time that someone buys one of the songs on the album or the album itself, all the proceeds go to helping out in Japan. This is only one of the many things that people are doing to help. Don't give up, things will get better, I promise.

  6. Dear Japanese Kid,
    I hope you are okay...if you are not then i hop eu become okay


  7. Dear student,
    I am so sorry about the devistation that has occured in Japan. I know this must be a hard time for everyone in Japan. Has the earthquake or tsunami personally effected you? I hope Japan gets rebuilt soon and be as before. Me and the people at our school are doing everything we can to help. Just remember that we are all thinking about you and i hope Japan will be rebuilt soon>

  8. Dear a student in Japan,
    I can not imagine how you must feel right now... I offer you my whole support. Even though you must feel like the world is almost over for you just know that all over the world we are trying to help you. There is hope. For every house that is broken, for any tears that are shed for the deceased, we are raising money. Some day Japan will once again be full of happiness but until that day comes... i am sincerely sorry.
    -Brynne 7-C

  9. Dear Japanese Student,
    Hello, I hope you are feeling well today. What happened where you live was horrible. I hope that all of your loved ones are safe. I am a student and you might be too, what is your favourite subject? I like reading and writing. I hope you still enjoy little things like books and although I can't say that things will get better I sincerly hope that they do.

  10. Dear whomever this may concern,

    I understand how much grief you have been through. It must be hard for you to live through this,but you have to keep strong and keep the dream alive. It may seem difficult at first but remember,things have a way of getting better in time.

    Good luck,

  11. Dear student in Japan,
    I am very sorry for everything that you may have lost. i know that you might feel that there is no hope in the world, but if the world trys to tear away at you, you must always belive and fight aganst because hope is always there for you. no matter how hard life gets you must keep trying and persearving because people will help you on your journy and life will turn around for the better. I hope that in time japan will come back and make a full restore and you will to. I will help however i can by donating and maybe in the future i will come to japan and help. i am senceirly sorry for your losses
    -Michael 7-C

  12. dear, japenes students
    how are you guys? i feel very sorry for what has happened to japan. i hope your reletives are ok and getting food and shelter. isuncerely, your new freind (A.B.7-c
    n cananada we are doing the very most to help you and we will keep doing that until you are in perfect shape.dont worry you will be ok with all of are help
    and J.Y

  13. got messed up because of the computerwe are very sorry for the incovience joshand andrew

  14. Dear Friends in Japan,
    My class and I are devistated to hear that this terrible disaster has struck in your country. We think you and your class should know that everything is going to be okay. There are many countries such as Canada and America who are donating money to help you guys build your country back to the way it was before the tsunami hit.

    My name is Jamee, I'm in grade 7, and I go to Windfields Junior High School in Toronto.I have two brothers and a dog. I like to play sports such as softball, basketball, tennis, volleyball, and soccer. What do you like to do in your spare time?

    I'm curious to hear what you and your family, or the people at your school have to say.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. I hope you and your family are alright after this devistating natural disaster.

    Sincerly, Jamee from Canada

  15. Dear Japanese person,

    I wish you a good recovery. I hope no one in your family has been injured or has passed away. If you do recieve my letter, I heard about the Tsunami in Japan and the Nuclear plant meltdown, I wish this would be remedied soon. Good luck and farewell.
    From Tairan

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Dear, kids of Japan

    How are you doing? Are you and your family ok? At our school we are helping raise money for Japan. Many others and I have already started to donate to Japan. We will make sure Japan goes back to the way it was and for it to be a safe place to life. I feel sorry for you and will help even more to make a difference and ensure your safety.


  18. Dear Japanese kid

    Im sorry about what happened in Japan. I hope you and your parents are okay. This time might be difficult for you but THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.
    Good Luck

  19. dear japs,
    hope your feeling better dont worry everything will be ok. BYe :)

  20. Dear Friend,
    My name is Rhea and I go to Windfields Junior High School. I am so sorry about what happened in Japan and I send my best wishes to you and your family. I send you reassurance and I know that everything will be fine because a lot of families have sending money and other items that are going to help you recover. I hope that your families are safe and if you need any help from here I would be happy to help you.

    On my spare time I like playing sports and reading books. I also like listening to music! What do you like to do when you have free time?

    Here at my school we are fundraising for people in Japan and we are very worried about people.

    Please take care of yourself and don't worry.... EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE FINE!

    Best Wishes to you and your family,

  21. Dear freind,
    I hope that you all are ok. I am so sorry of what happened to you. I am devistated of what happened to all of you there. Are you and your family ok.
    How old are you? Did you and your family have to go though changes because of the tusnami. I wish you the best of luck for your family and freinds.
    Be safe and are ok.

    Your freind,

  22. Dear friend in Japan,
    How are you? I feel sorry about what happend in Japan. I hope your family and friends are safe. I wish you the best of luck. How old are you? Were you ihn the tsunami? I hope all goes well and everybody is safe.

    Just know that we r here to help and we r donating to Japan to help.

    Just be safe amd take care of yourself because everything will be ok.

    Your Friend,

  23. Dear Japanese students,
    I hope that all of you are well. I feel really sorry about the disaster in Japan. I hope that you or your families were not affected by the tsunami. Things will get better soon.


  24. Dear whom this may concern in japan,
    i hope you are well. If you aren't i hope this letter makes you feel better.people are all contributing to nmake your lives more stable/better,so try not to feel bad. Everything may seem to deppressing now, but it will pass. We are all trying to make you feel your best so keep going! spirit!Dont feel bad it'll make me sad:( your life will get better soon.:)dont fret were all set! (that was actually kinda lame but i hope it makes u feel better. Remember to smiel:)good luck!:)

  25. To students in Japan
    How are you doing are you ok? I hope your family is doing ok. We are helping to raise money to help you. I have donated money and so have others and we are giving the money to you to help get it back to normal.
    Sincerely sam

  26. Dear Japanese student,
    I heard about the Tsunami and Nuclear Plant meltdown in Japan. I feel sorry about it. I hope your family members are all safe now. Keep fighting with the natural diaster and be strong with it. I hope you guys have good recovery in Japan. Don't give up. Everythings will get better faster if you being strong.
    By: Roger Jiang 7c
    Windfields junior high school

  27. Dear japan,

    Many canadians here are devastated by the news of the disasters taking place in Japan. I dont have any relatives in Japan but i do have a dear friend whom i have not heard of since the earthquake/tsunami.I dont even know if she is alive at this moment. I hope that you arent going through the same things I went through when i first heard the news.

    But this letter is not about me its abut you.I sincerely hope that none of your loved ones are hurt .If they are please remember that there is always hope. I still believe that my frend is okay or at least alive.


    -Someone who cares

  28. Dear whomever this may concern,
    We are all worried about you and your family's health. Are you alright?
    Do you ever feel like the world is about to end? Or the world has lost its colour? No matter where you are, know that there is always someone there for you. Don't give up. Keep on walking on that path. If there is an obstacle in your path, fight to get back on. If there is something you want with all your heart go for it, you can try anything you want to try.
    When you lose a loved one, it is hard to bring yourself together. Think about what they would have wanted for you. They will always be watching over you even in death. Do you think they want you to feel like you yourself died in their place? They love you and they always will.
    Good luck!

  29. Dear whomever this may concern

    Are you guys ok? Are your families and friends ok? I hope they are ok. Despite these events don't give up. I am pretty sure something good will be coming your way. I think this will be ok in the end
    Best of luck

    Windfields Junior High School
